Plan Check
Being a former Riverside County Fire Safety Specialist has afforded this company years of code and standard review experience.
As such, we can provide your jurisdiction with all forms of plan check for compliance with Fire Codes and NFPA Standards:
Building Plans
Sprinkler plans: Tenant improvements-new construction
Fire alarm: Tenant improvement-new construction
Hood Extinguishers
Underground Fire Line
High Pile Storage
We currently provide plan check services to the city of Temecula and Pechanga Tribal Fire Department.
As such, we can provide your jurisdiction with all forms of plan check for compliance with Fire Codes and NFPA Standards:
Building Plans
Sprinkler plans: Tenant improvements-new construction
Fire alarm: Tenant improvement-new construction
Hood Extinguishers
Underground Fire Line
High Pile Storage
We currently provide plan check services to the city of Temecula and Pechanga Tribal Fire Department.